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    Tropisk Plants And Other Flowering Options For Your Office

    Tropisk Plants And Other Flowering Options For Your Office

    Whether you are designing offices or working in one, you will most certainly agree that a comfortable environment at work is extremely significant for the well-being and consequently – good performance of each employee and employer. Using indoor plants is a great way to improve the office atmosphere for numerous reasons. It’s literally:  It goes […]

    Whether you are designing offices or working in one, you will most certainly agree that a comfortable environment at work is extremely significant for the well-being and consequently – good performance of each employee and employer. Using indoor plants is a great way to improve the office atmosphere for numerous reasons. It’s literally: 

    • sustainable;
    • nature-friendly;
    • eco-friendly;
    • healthy;
    • esthetically pleasing.

    It goes without saying that consulting a professional florist would be the best decision to find out what plants would suit your office and where to put them, but some plants are considered to be almost any office-friendly. 

    How Can Office Plants Affect Health? 

    In case you doubt you can benefit from having some plants in the office, then you might want to change your mind when you learn about all those great effects they have on human health, including the following: 

    1. Stress relief

    The more natural elements you have in the office, the less depressed people feel about the working environment. When they can drink a cup of tea or just have a 5-minute break in a small office garden, then it’s almost like having a real getaway during the working day. 

    1. Healthier environment

    In order to take good care of the office plants, you will need to make sure they have enough water and sunlight. People will get it as well to feel better during the work process.

    1. Relaxation

    The green color helps reduce stress and increase work performance. And in case there is also a nice delicate scent, coming from a plant, each person next to it might notice that the headache leaves and the overall tension decreases. Those plants can include: 

    • lavender
    • ivy
    • philodendron
    • snake plant
    • spider plant
    • violets
    • lilies
    1. Better air

    Plants are known to purify the air, removing, for example, carbon dioxide or multiple toxins that can usually be found in indoor air. Better air makes the office microclimate better and people healthier. 

    Are There Plants You Can Place In The Office Lunch Area? 

    It’s becoming more and more popular to put some plants and herbs in office kitchens. The question is what plants to choose. Here are some options: 

    1. Fruit trees. Consider putting a lemon or an olive tree in the office kitchen or lunch area
    2. Aromatic herbs. Those could be rosemary, thyme, basil, or mint, for example. Not only do they fill the air with fantastic scents but also can be used as herbs when workers are having lunch or making a cup of fantastic healthy tea. 
    3. Green trees. Such trees as cypress or juniper are a great choice to be put on a terrace, for example, to both please the eye and protect from street or office noise as plants are very good at absorbing noises. 

    Which Plants To Avoid?

    It goes without saying that before selecting plants for the office, it’s absolutely necessary to learn if there are people who are allergic to certain flowers, plants, or herbs. Many nonallergenic plants won’t cause a problem for anybody, but some can cause trouble, so it’s better to avoid them. 

    It’s not the best idea to choose “sensitive plants” for your office as they usually require special care, can’t survive without specific conditions, and won’t stand a lack of watering. Better leave orchids or roses for after-work areas. 

    What’s The Best Place For The Plants In The Office? 

    It all depends on the size of the plants and flowers you choose. 

    1. Small and medium-sized plants will feel good when placed on windowsills and tables. 
    2. Large plants are suitable for floor placement

    Places To Avoid 

    Regardless of the size, the quantity, and the types of plants, there are some places which you should not even consider for them, including the following: 

    • high-traffic areas
    • places near radiators and other heat-generating devices
    • places next to air conditioners

    It is a great idea to incorporate some tropisk plants into your office environment if you want to enhance the overall well-being and productivity of your team. They will improve air quality, reduce stress, and create a more welcoming and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere. Turn nature into your assistant to transform an office into a healthier, happier, and more pleasant place to work. So, consult with a professional, consider your space, and start reaping the rewards of a greener office today.

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